Adding $HOLO to my Wallet

Please note the HOLOCLEAR dApp integrates with all major wallet providers. The example below is for Metamask, but other wallets will follow a similar process.

1. Copy Token Contract Address

The contract for $HOLO is 0x1337bae199225795070DCF4f7aea733296Ba77Ea

Please be careful and only copy the contract from official channels.

2. Select the Network

Launch your MetaMask wallet. Select 'Binance Smart Chain' as the network. If it says Ethereum Mainnet or similar select Binance Smart Chain from the dropdown.

3. Click Import Tokens

After selecting or adding the network, scroll down to the bottom.

Click Import Tokens.

4. Paste the Token Contract Address

If you are on the Custom Token tab, stay there.

In case you are on the Search Tab, click on Custom Token.

Once you are in the Custom Token, you need to paste the token’s contract address that you have copied in Step 1.

After pasting the address, Token Symbol and Token Decimal will be generated automatically.

Lastly, click Add Custom Token.

5. View Tokens

Go back to your wallet and ensure you are on the tokens tab. Your $HOLO tokens will be listed there.

Last updated